didi is Kevin Bilapka Arbeláez, Sheena McGrath, Haru Shimizu, and Meg Zakany - four friends whose lives have intertwined musically for eleven years. Starting in the basement of Villa Villekulla in Old North Columbus, didi has toured the states, signed with independent English record label Damnably, played a showcase at SXSW, and opened for Speedy Ortiz, Japanese Breakfast, and Shellshag. Through moves and shifts in life, didi continues to write and perform in Columbus, Ohio.
didi released their self-titled album didi in 2015, followed by Like Memory Foam in 2018 with Damnably, and Chip Tuned in 2020. On Saturday, August 24, didi celebrates the self-release of their third full length studio album Feel It Enough at Natalie’s in Grandview. Feel It Enough grapples with life under capitalism, the violence it brings, and the desire to thrive in community alongside supportive friends who believe in a world we all belong in.